Saturday, February 2, 2008

After using Internet for 5 days !

Monday, January 28th
5.00 – 8.00 PM: TIFLE Class (e.g.: class management, review of Discussion Board Activities, chatting on-line with AOL with my TIFLEmates from SC, creating “Exploring TIFLE” Blog);
11.00 – 11.15 PM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 1 message from a classmate; sent 1 message); Gmail account (received 1 message from a friend; sent 1 message).
Total: 3 hours and 15 minutes (180 mins. work/ 15 mins. personal)

Tuesday, January 29th
8.00 – 8.50 AM: read the daily newspaper El País ;
9.15 – 9.40 AM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 8 messages: 2 from the RLL department, 1 from a student, 1 from a classmate, 1 from the Online Journal, Sin Frontera, 3 from listservs (Rediris , Dialnet, and ConferenceAlerts); sent 3 messages); Gmail account (received 4 messages: 3 from junk mail (AT&T, Virgin Atlantic, and Travelocity) and 1 from a family member; Sent 1 message);
3.00 – 3.40 PM: talking with a family member and chatting with a friend simultaneously with Skype;
7.00 – 8.10 PM: class management (BlackBoard for SPN2200 for updating gradebook; WebCT for FRE6900 for handouts for next class); Web browsing; purchase of a novel for FRE6900 @ Half Price; listing to my playlist of favorites @ YouTube simultaneously.
9.30 – 9.50 PM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 3 messages: 1 from the RLL department, 1 from a professor of the LIN department with information regarding the upcoming AAAL 2008 Annual Conference, 1 from student; sent 2 messages) and Gmail account (received 3 messages: 2 from the junk mail (Spanair, Wachovia) and 1 from a family member; Sent 1 message);
11.00 – 12.15 PM: watch the final of the Cádiz Carnival festival @ YouTube (for cultural tradition and entertainment).
Total: 4 hours and 40 minutes (70 mins. work/ 210 mins. personal)

Wednesday, January 30th
7.50 – 8.40 AM: read the daily newspaper El País;
8.40 – 8.50 AM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 8 messages: 3 from the RLL department, 1 from UF Financial Services, 1 from a student, 3 from listservs (Cervantes Virtual; Semainein , and Casa del libro; sent 2 messages); Gmail account (received 7 messages: 5 from junk mail (JetBlue, GRU, Dell, Wachovia, and Apple), 1 from a family member and 1 from a friend; sent 1 message);
6.00 – 6.20 PM: class management (BlackBoard for SPN2200 for updating gradebook and posting PowerPoint presentations for next class);
8.30 – 8.45 PM: purchase of a present for a family member @ Amazon;
11.00 – 11.25 PM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 2 messages: 1 from a classmate and 1 from student; sent 2 messages); Gmail account (received 0 messages).
Total: 2 hours (20 mins. work/ 105 mins. personal)

Thursday, January 31st
8.00 – 8.50 AM: read the daily newspaper El País;
9.30 – 10.00 AM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 6 messages: 3 from the RLL department, 1 from a student, 2 from listservs (Portal del Hispanismo, and Jóvenes Linguistas; Sent 2 messages); Gmail account (received 4 messages: 2 from junk mail (CraigsLists, and Travelocity), 1 from a family member and 1 from a friend; sent 0 message);
12.00 – 1.00 PM: a conversation with a former professor with skype;
3.00 – 3.30 PM: class management (BlackBoard for SPN2200 for gradebook updates; WebCT for FRE6900 for handouts for next class);
6.15 – 9.00 PM: class management (using an online dictionary and grammar while working on a French project for FRE6900);
10.00 – 10.20 PM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 3 messages: 1 from the LIN department, 1 from listserv (LLJournal), and 1 from a student; sent 1 message) and Gmail account (received 4 messages: 3 from junk mail (El Corte Inglés, Bank of America, Telefónica) and 1 from a friend (sharing a video from YouTube); sent 1 message);
11.30 – 12.15 PM: watch TV news @ RTVE.
Total: 6 hours and 40 minutes (195 mins. work/ 205 mins. personal)

Friday, February 1st
8.00 – 8.35 AM: read the daily newspaper El País;
8.35 – 9.00 AM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 7 messages: 1 from the RLL department, 1 from UF Library, 1 from a student, 4 from listservs (Junta de Andalucía , SAGA, UF CES, and AESLA; sent 1 message); Gmail account (received 3 messages: 1 from junk mail (AT&T), 1 from former professor from USE , and 1 from University of Cambridge with the results of the CPE taken last December 2007 ; sent 1 message);
3.00 – 3.15 PM: class management (posting PowerPoint presentations on BlackBoard for SPN2200 for next week);
5.00 – 6.30 PM: class management (Web browsing for a research of LIN7725 :UF library catalog search, Instituto Cervantes search, and Google Book search)
9.00 – 9.50 PM: class management (FOL 6326 : reading the instructions of the assignment to post in detail, editing my blog, and printing the articles for next class);
11.00 – 11.10 PM: check email from UF Webmail account (received 1 message from a student; sent 1 message); Gmail account (received 0 messages).
Total: 3 hours and 45 minutes (155 mins. work/ 70 mins. personal)

On looking over my log, it is noticeable that I use Internet primarily for personal (e.g.: emails, news, television, and music, etc.) and professional (e.g.: emails, research, class management, etc.) purposes. If I should emphasize and choose one per each use, news from El País would be for personal reason, whereas emails (67 received items; 19 sent items), would be for work purposes. While the former one helps me be in touch with the social, political, and cultural situation of my country (as well as an international overview), the latter one, on the other hand, is highly important for me to contact professors, students, and classmates.

Overall, on noting the length of time I have spent actively online, doubtless I am dependent on Internet for every day functions in my professional and personal life. However, based on my log, I feel reluctant to characterize myself as a user strictly in these domains. In other words, in taking these 5 days at random, I believe that this does not necessarily correspond to the actual use of Internet in my real life. Different variables, such as periods of weekends, final exams, vacations, amongst others, would be taken into account for a more meticulous assumption. If special occasions had been considered, this analysis could have been different.


Maya Viktorivna said...

Hello Francisco,

It was interesting to read about your experience of talking with one person and chatting with a friend simultaneously with Skype. I do that every day but I also switch between 3 languages (Ukrainian, Russian, and English*. Do you have to use any two languages with Scype or not? If yes, is it easy for you? Is it easier to chat in a foreing language on-line or in the real life.
One more question. You wrote about using online dictionary in your class. What kind of dictionary do u use? I like because it has a lot of useful information and is subdivided into 4 sections.

Mark said...

I didn't realize you worked in SLA and such. I thought you were part of the literature mafia. :)

The Skype theme chat rooms are so funny. There are some really strange people hanging out in there. People will just be singing, or saying inappropriate things. It makes me laugh.

It is amazing how integrated the internet is in daily life for so many of us, from academic/professional use to personal and recreational use. Do we use the internet or is the internet using us? :)